project organisation
A five Work Packages (WP) organisation
The 42 month project is organized into 5 inter-related work packages described below :

Work Package 1
WP1 is the starting phase of the project aimed at following the time evolution of the protective layer obtained in natural seawater in comparison with abiotic conditions. The chemical and physical characteristics of the layer will be determined and analysed in regards of the microbial activity of the immersion medium. The final aim is to decipher the mechanisms of the layer formation in order to define the key parameters in order to replicate the protective solution in controlled lab conditions.
Work Package 2
WP2 that will begin 6 months after the project start deals with the evaluation of the anti-corrosion properties of the layers formed in WP1 or replicated in WP3 not only in Lab conditions but also in accordance with industrial standards. The residual mechanical properties of the coated alloy will also be measured to assess the impact of layer growth on the mechanical properties of the Al alloy substrate.
Work Package 3
WP3 concerns the replication process of the protective layer. The scientific results obtained in WP1&2 will allow the definition of the process and procedures for the replication in industry of protective solutions. Two ways will be followed with and without the involvement of microorganisms. The samples with the replicated treatment will be characterised as in WP1 and 2.
Then the first steps of transfer could begin with a validation at pilot scale followed by a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and a preliminary Life Cycle Cost (LCC).
Work Package 4
This Work Package will be focused on the data management and the definition of a dissemination plan for Publications, Conferences and all communication actions. In addition, MICOATEC is a new solution for industrial applications that implies to pay great attention to IP (patents are foreseen), new markets (results dissemination toward industrials such as Al producers, Al end-users …), economics. Then, the dissemination plan will integrate an IP (veille) and strategy to apply patents.
The main social and economic impact of the project is to create a new industry linked to surface treatments and anticorrosion coatings more environment and human respectful. Actually, ECHA publishes a restriction list of substances for which manufacture, placing on the market or use is limited or banned in the European Union.
In addition, the MICOATEC project will give the opportunity to create a new scientific community by including international laboratories during the scientific work via the involvement of LNEG and CNR-IAS.
Work Package 5
LGC will be the overall coordinator of the project. Its responsibility is therefore:
– To gather and organize all the information related to the project and to allow an easy access by all the partners by the mean of the website of which the set-up will be developed during WP4 (6TMIC in-charge),
– To follow the progress of ongoing WPs during consortium meeting organised every six months,
– To report regularly (as required and also at every time it would be necessary) to ANR on the technical and financial progress of the project.